I Let My Workout Routine Slip – Here’s How I’m Getting Back on Track

jazzercise on Demand workout routine

I Let My Workout Routine Slip – Here’s How I’m Getting Back on Track With Jazzercise OnDemand

I’ve been writing about health and wellness here at Sweet Sauce and in magazines for a few years now. I’ve worked with trainers, instructors, and experts. I’ve felt on top of my game and I’ve felt lost in the world of fitness. That’s why I have covered topics from cupping to CrossFit to Jazzercise. I have questions and I know you do, too! The most important rule I’ve learned: Consistency is at the core of a successful, effective workout routine.

To stay consistent, we have to learn about new tools and workouts.  We have to keep learning because we change. Our bodies, schedule, motivation and location are always evolving.  I’m glad this blog keeps me learning, because my constant workout routine recently fell victim to change.

The past two months have been pretty much void of a regular workout routine for me. That is a result of a move–I don’t live in walking distance to my favorite studio any more. I also had three weddings and work related travel in the books. I’d been indulging quite a bit outside of my career and personal obligations, too.  I finally got refocused this week.  Here are a few things I’m doing to get my workout routine back into a rhythm:

I’m bringing my workouts home

My apartment is all set up. My living room can now be used for more than just lounging. I’ve been turning it into my little workout area. In addition to some self guided yoga, I’m flipping my computer open and watching guided Jazzercise workouts. We know these workouts are both fun and effective. I’ve done the research and wrote about Jazzercise here and here.  Now, you can bring the workouts home with Jazzercise OnDemand. The workouts range from 10 minutes to 40 minutes depending on the time you have. The shorter workouts also target different areas of the body, which is helpful. Sometimes I pair a shorter dance workout with a targeted ab or arm workout. They release new mixes all the time, too! Check it out and use my code SWEETVIP for a discounted $14.99 a month. Click here.

I’m dedicating 30 minutes everyday on my calendar for fitness

The timing will be different every day. It will be different for each of you. The trick is to find out what works for you and then schedule it in like any other commitment. For me, I was setting myself up for failure by scheduling early morning workouts at studios. If I didn’t make them, then I didn’t workout at all that day. That’s no good. I’m not an early morning person. I now this. Why was I setting these goals? I got real with myself.

My work day looks something more like 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with personal time blended in. I work from home more and more, and therefore creating structure for myself is increasingly important. I now find that around 5 p.m., I’m ready for a work break. If I wait too late past that, I get into dinner plans, start a new work project or lose motivation all together.  If there’s not a physical studio that offers classes when I’m ready to workout, then I don’t have an excuse. I can turn to my Jazzercise On Demand options to keep my workout routine on schedule. I can also head out for a walk or hike with my headphones or a friend.

I celebrate the small stuff

When you get off track, you can swerve even further off the road if you give in to punishing yourself. Stay positive to stay motivated. Just because I let my workout routine slip doesn’t mean I let all of my healthy habits slip. I still drink lemon water every day. I am getting the sleep my body needs. I’m keeping fresh produce around. I’ve been visiting the infared sauna and taking care of my skin. I chose to walk instead of drive on many occasions. I say no to cheese. I’m doing all sorts of good things to better my body. When I remind myself of those successes, I am motivated to do better. That means refocusing on my workout routine. I can do this! So can you.

jazzercise on demand

home workout routine

jazzercise on demand

workout routine jazzercise

workout routine at home

Try Jazzercise On Demand

After 50 years, Jazzercise knows how to build an effective workout. Try it in your home with Jazzercise On Demand with my code SWEETVIP. You’ll also enjoy the motivational emails with tips, advice, and even food recommedations.

Read more of my workout motivation tips.

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