Girl Talk: Tips for Waxing at Home

tips for waxing at home

Girl Talk: Tips for Waxing at Home

I surveyed you fine friends a couple weeks ago about the kind of content you wanted to see more of. As at-home orders rolled out across the United States, many of you feared for your fur. While I shared some tips for extending your hair color here, there’s more hair on your body you’re concerned about.  Along with these orders came a mandatory closing of salons.  Many of us panicked a bit when it came to our bikini line, brows, lips and other areas we regularly visit our favorite girls at the salon to clean up. So, I asked the experts at Curly Willow Spa and scoured the internet for the best tips for waxing at home as well as the best wax kits to use. Me and my close friends have purchased and tested several of these, too. We got your back!

Get the right waxing kit

I’ve researched the internet for the mostly highly recommend at-home waxing kits. I’ve linked to them above for you to peruse and read reviews. I always recommend reading the reviews, no matter what you’re buying. You’ll learn more about customers with similar skin and concerns like you that may lead you to a better product. For example, I learned that it is actually easier to use a hard wax for smaller areas though I thought the contrary.  Wax strips are a better option for waxing large areas such as your legs.  I tried three wax kits. My favorite was the Nair Wax-Ready kits for $5.


Gently exfoliate the area you are planning to wax. This helps soften the hair and opens up hair follicles, which makes waxing easier and less painful. Also, as wax expert Stephanie Talley always reiterates to me, exfoliation prevents ingrown hairs from coming in. You can exfoliate with a glove like this. Do this before you wax and a few times a week post-wax. Wait a couple days after your wax session to resume regular exfoliating, though. When we say “gentle” we mean it! Avoid retinol products, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion too close to waxing.

Clean it Up

Stephanie says, “You don’t want to wax on a dirty surface.” Wash and dry the area to be waxed. Avoid a lot of creams, moisturizers or deodorants This is important for many reasons. Firstly, you don’ want to interfere with the wax’s ability to stick to your hair. You also want to prevent any possibility of infection or inflammation. I’ve always used Finipil cream before, during and after waxes. Every salon I’ve ever been to uses this. You can buy it online for $14. Don’t apply it on the day of the waxing.

Length Matters

Waxing at home can become painful or wasteful fast. One way you can ensure this goes all well is to have the right length hair. The wax has to cling to hair that is neither short nor too long. We’re looking at no less than 1/4 inch and no more than 3/4 inch long on your body hairs. If it’s really long, consider a trim. You’ll have better luck.

Get Flexible 

When you don’t have someone helping you, you’ll want to be prepared for a bit of physical activity. Think about that when you get set up. You’ll  likely have to change positions a couple of times, depending on the area you are waxing. If you’re getting in for a tight bikini or even Brazilian, head to the bath tub to propping one leg up. You can also strategically arrange a mirror or two to be helpful. I read that some women prop their lower backs with a pillow or towel in front of a mirror. The best advice I can give is to try out a few positions before you dive into wax first.

Plan for the pain

News flash: it’s gonna hurt. Go ahead and get your head right, ladies. In addition to mentally preparing, pop a painkiller of your choice about half an hour before waxing at home. You can also apply a pain numbing cream to the area you are waxing, but I find the Finipil does the trick enough for me. In terms of timing, there is differing evidence when it comes to pain and your period. Some say you’re more sensitive during and near your period, others say you can withstand more pain. I haven’t found any solid evidence to schedule your at-home wax plans around your period either way.

Get the Temp Right

Most at-home wax kits will give you clear directions on the package. READ THEM. Many of the wax strips simply require you to heat up the wax by  rubbing between your hands or you can use a hair dryer. For hard-wax Stephane says, “Make sure your wax is not too hot. It is runs off your stick it’s too hot. It should be a creamy texture like honey.” The hard wax kit I linked to above, Bliss, is highly recommended by many friends and experts.

Small Sections

“Don’t do large strips,” says Stephanie. The smaller, the better. It will be less painful and you’ll be more exact with your pulls. Focus on laying down the wax bit by bit rather than taking it all off at once. If you find that you aren’t getting what you need off, consider coming back for round 2 in a day or so. I did that and think my skin thanked me. I didn’t risk pulling the same spot raw too many times.

Know The Right Direction

Whether you have strips or hard wax, you apply the wax in the direction of hair growth. This may not always be straight forward, but do your best for the most efficient waxing job. When it’s time, pull in the opposite direction. Keep the strip close to your skin when pulling it off. Which brings us to our next point.

Speed Wins

As you prepare to pull, use your other hand to pull your skin tight. Then, pull the wax off fast. It not only hurts less, but it’s more effective. If you go too slow, you can also leave wax on your skin. You don’t want to have to go over an area twice. That’s how you develop rashes and infections. Get it right the first time and move on. If you do have some leftovers, use your tweezers. You won’t irritate your skin any more that way.

Clean Up (Again)

Remove any wax residue with cool water. Don’t use hot water. I repeat DON’T USE HOT WATER. Once you pat it dry, follow it up with another layer of good old Finipil. The Nad’s kit I got has calming oil, which was a nice way to finish it all off before I got dressed.

Keep it Loose

After your wax, try to avoid tight panties for a day. Get those loose PJs out and relax. You want everything to breathe and heal without any risk of irritation or contamination.

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