High Five for Friday!

High Five for Friday

 Hello! I’m excited to finally make some time to share a H54F post. I hope to do this once a month if not more and use it as a tool to track my new year’s resolution progress. Click on the image above to see what I’m talking about!

  1. One of my new year’s resolutions was to achieve a forearm stand in yoga. I am getting so close! I have been practicing in my regular yoga classes at Shockoe Slip Yoga. I also tried a handstand for the first time and it wasn’t as difficult as I thought. I look forward to taking an arm balance workshop later in March. I also got some new pink yoga pants to get myself excited. Check out the Yoga Outlet if you want some cheap, high quality yoga apparel.
    inspirational yoga quote
  2. My closet swap was a big hit! I’m excited to see my friends create new outfits from their finds and learn new ways to earn money by selling clothes. More on that soon! You can learn how to host your own closet swap like a pro here. 
  3. My friend Shasta is Sweet Sauce Blog’s resident makeup guru. She just started sharing makeup videos! You have to watch them! Check it out here and here. This relates to my goal to get more friends and contacts creating great content for Sweet Sauce!
    How to Contour
  4. I have a serious professional goal this year: to find a creative career I love. I have started scheduling time in each week to network and apply for opportunities! Here’s my adorable Sugar Paper planner in action at a new favorite coffee shop in RVA. I have also updated my LinkedIn profile and taken the chance to link to my blog on it. I think letting my true self shine will help guide me to the best opportunities.
    High Five for Friday
  5. I took over Babes of Blogland’s Instagram account last week. It was really fun and I met some great new people and gained new followers. This helps me reach my goal to grow the reach of Sweet Sauce. You should check out The Darling Downtown. This is Alex’s personal blog and Babes of Blogland is her side project to create a network of bloggers like me and you!faux fur coat
    TGIF, Y’all!

P.S. I want to feature your Valentine’s Day outfits! Learn more. 

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