I Tried CrossFit and Here’s What I Learned

My first time with CrossFit: Busting Myths

It was about time along my fitness journey here at Sweet Sauce that I landed in a CrossFit gym. I’ve been getting questions for quite some time about the workout. I didn’t know how to answer those questions, which is THE WORST. Fortunately S3E-Performance invited me into their fitness home to show me around the workout that’s got people hooked near and far.

Before I gave it a try, I sat down with staff trainer Megan. We talked a lot about what people think CrossFit is, what  prevents ladies from trying it, and other uncomfortable barriers to getting started. As I went through a couple weeks of the workout, I made notes of what I learned and compared them to popular myths about CrossFit. I decided to break down what I learned here for you.

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There is no cult

Okay, well, there sort of is! There are true fans of CrossFit. It is an empowering workout that leads to fast physical benefits. These guys at S3E are really just having fun, though. Everyone I met at the gym was laid back, full of smiles, and has a life outside of the gym just like me and you. Walking in before a training session was no different than popping into my other workouts around the city. You come, you sweat, you go back out into the world. I never felt like an outsider.

It can be scalable for everyone

I started out with a couple one-on-one training sessions. I recommend EVERYONE do this if you want to try CrossFit. Megan walked me through all of the many regular movements of the work out. There is a lot to learn. Learning the basic movements properly helps you not only protect your body, but ensures you get the right physical results. During workouts, both Matt and Megan helped me pick out the right size weights, bands and boxes for my height and strength level. I never felt like I was going overboard. Megan shared stories with me about a 72-year old, athletes in wheel chairs, and someone looking to lose 100 lbs. Everyone can step into the gym and find a way to get in a sweat.


CrossFit doesn’t mean bulk

The internet is full of photos of people lifting big heavy weights with bulky shoulders and necks. Those are often CrossFit competitors. Everyone who practices yoga can’t put their foot behind their heads. So, by joining a CrossFit gym, that doesn’t mean you’ll look like a CrossFit competitor. In fact, you may find it on the contrary. CrossFit is a cross of several workouts: biking, weight lifting, HIIT, and little bit of gymnastics. That means this is a pretty cardio heavy workout. I was torching fat in that gym. My heart rate was up for a while after my workouts, too. There were plenty of slender, feminine women in class. There arms were cut and cores strong. Same goes for the men.

It came in handy in real life

Megan told me that she thinks of CrossFit as a way to help you move throughout your daily life. Every day we do things like bend over and pick up suit cases, reach to get something from the top shelf, or bend down to pick up a highlighter on the ground. The basic movements of CrossFit flow right into this daily need to move. I recently went to a music festival and had to load and unload an RV full of water bottles, Trulys, speakers, chairs and more. I also had to walk miles every day and help push my cousin around on her scooter (she broker her ankle!). I found myself deadlifting, jumping, pushing and squatting a little stronger and a little more efficiently. It’s amazing what this body can do when you learn how to move it  properly.

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Thank you to the S3E team for for showing me CrossFit! I look forward to coming back and having fun with you guys!


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